Network+ Protocol Suites: TCP/IP, IPX, NetBeui, AppleTalk

Network+ Protocol Suites: TCP-IP, IPX, NetBeui, AppleTalk

• Uses Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), router sends ARP request broadcast, matching device (matching IP) sends their MAC address, router then stores this in ARP Cache.
• To Route: must have IP address of sender/receiver/next router
• Very flexible and interoperable (multiple Operating Systems)
• Domain Name Services (DNS): host names resolved from IP addresses

• Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange
• IPX handles routing/addressing, only change is IPX network address
• Routing Protocols: RIP and NLSP
• Microsoft's version called NWLink
• Only devices that have names are NetWare servers. (64 characters, not case sensitive, can't use "illegal" characters)

• Uses NetBIOS names (up to 15 characters, must follow special character rules)
• Not a routable protocol
• Support BY: Windows 9x, NT, 2000, 2003, LAN Manager, OS/2

AppleTalk/AppleTalk over IP
• AppleTalk version 2.0 supports Ethernet
• AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP): provides interface between application and a file server.
• AppleShare is the Mac service offered to implement AFP service
• Services for Macintosh: makes multiclient support possible (as shared folder or Macintosh volume)
• Use 24-bit address, can support 254 nodes, 16-bit network number or range of 16-bit network numbers (called Extended AppleTalk network > 254 nodes) Node address assigned by computer automatically
• Routing by: Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP)
• Naming: Uses Name Binding Protocol (NBP), broadcast based

Tel: +250722833804


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